Marlena Jakobs
10/2019–02/2022 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Niederländische Philologie an der Freien Universität Berlin
2017–2019 M.A. Sprachwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt "Germanische Sprachen" an der Freien Universität Berlin und der Humboldt Universität Berlin
SoSe 2016 Auslandssemester an der Université Paris Sorbonne
2013–2017 B.A. Deutsche Philologie (Nebenfach: Französische Philologie) an der Freien Universität Berlin
Bachelorstudiengang "Sprache und Gesellschaft":
- Übung: "Grundlagen der Sprachwissenschaft" (WiSe 2019/2020, WiSe 2020/2021)
- Seminar: Sprachideologien (SoSe 2020)
Bachelorstudiengang "Niederländische Philologie":
- Einführungskurs 16809: Sprachliche Strukturen und Funktionen (SoSe 2021)
Bachelorstudiengang "Deutsche Philologie":
- Seminare 16616 & 16691: Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft (SoSe 2021)
- Übungen 16625 & 16626: Sprachwissenschaftliche Arbeitstechniken (WiSe 2021)
The Normative Processes of Language Making – The Construction of Low German in the European Scholarly Discourse of the 19th Century
The dissertation project is situated at the interface between historical sociolinguistics and the history of knowledge. Focusing on the various concepts of Low German, it investigates how metalinguistic practices such as labeling, comparing, codifying, and mapping languages contributed to the understanding of languages as fixed entities in 19th century Europe. The language concepts resulting from these practices were often in conflict with one another, as they referred to different geographical spaces, as they outlined differently the relationship between dialects and standard languages, or as they were associated with divergent understandings of nationalism.
The project is concerned with exploring implicitly and explicitly normative structures of metalinguistic speech in different sociohistorical contexts. Following a constructionist approach, the project aims to elaborate on normative processes that fostered the idea of languages as fixed naturalized entities in the 19th century. Seeking to deconstruct this naturalizing view, it also illuminates counter-concepts to national languages (i.e. dialectal or pan-national varieties).
Research Interests:
- Historical Sociolinguistics
- History of Science
- Language Ideology
- (angenommen) mit Matthias Hüning: Scholars and their Metaphors – On Language Making in Linguistics. In: International Journal of the Sociology of Language.
- (angenommen) Die Niederdeutsche Dialektologie im Nationalsozialismus – Verbindungen von Wissenschaft und Propaganda in den Arbeiten der Sprachwissenschaftlerin Anneliese Bretschneider (1898–1984). In: Andreas Bieberstedt, Doreen Brandt, Klaas-Hinrich Ehlers & Christoph Schmitt (Hg.). Hundert Jahre Niederdeutsche Philologie. Ausgangspunkte, Entwicklungslinien, aktuelle Herausforderungen. Berlin u.a.: Peter Lang.
- Pan-Nationalist Language Ideologies in Post-Revolutionary Belgium – Language Activism in the Journal De Broederhand (1845-1847). Virtual Colloquium in Germanic Linguistics for Postgraduate Research Students and Early Career Researchers. University of Sheffield (12.–13. Januar 2021).
- Taalideologieën in een multimodale context – De constructie van een Groot Nederduits taalgebied in taalkaarten van de 19de eeuw. DigiDoHa. Colloquium voor doctorandi en habilitandi 2021. Freie Universität Berlin (26.–27. August 2021).
- Orthographies in Conflict. Low German Writing Systems as Counteractions to Dominant Nationalist Ideas in the 19th Century. Modelling Prescriptivism: Language, Literature, and Speech Communities. 6th Prescriptivism Conference. Universidade de Vigo (23.–25. September 2021).
- Pan-nationalist Concepts of Low-German – Multimodal Practices of Language Making in the 19th century. Doctoral school: Border studies at intersections of subject boundaries. Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin (8-10. Dezember 2021).