Felicitas Fritzsche
06/2023-02/2024 Exposé scholarship at Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School for Literary Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
04/2020-04/2022 Student assistant at the Institute for German Philology, Freie Universität Berlin
2019-2022 M.A. German Literature, focus on Modern German Literature, Freie Universität Berlin
2017-2018 Study abroad at University College London
2015-2019 B.A. German Philology, minor subject English Philology, Freie Universität Berlin
Postmigrant dialogues: Berlin topographies in contemporary German-language literature from the post-reunification period to the present day
Focussing on six German-language novels published in the period between the fall of the Berlin Wall and the present day, this research project is interested in the relationship between Berlin’s urban space and social, political and cultural questions related to migration (discourses) as staged in and reflected through contemporary literature. While Berlin features – in divers ways, yet always prominently – in the novels considered, terms and concepts of ‘post-migration’ have developed within the same period as their publication dates and continue to be shaped notably by artists and scholars based in Berlin. Drawing on these observations, the project builds on the thesis that Berlin can be understood as a point of departure to gain new understandings of the relationship between literary representations of the city and post-migrant discourses. The research aims to shed light on the literary forms of these relationships as well as their potentials of social and cultural critique. At its core, the research interest is topographical: In which ways do literary topographies of Berlin serve poetic and discursive functions regarding the drafting and critical reflexion of post-migrant perspectives in the texts? I understand the investigation of that question to be a methodological inquiry into ways of post-migrant literary analysis. The close readings are informed by Naika Foroutan’s understanding of post-migrant societies as sides of continuous negotiation processes. They build on Moritz Schramm’s (2018) theoretical and methodological considerations of developing post-migrant perspectives in literary studies. With this project I aim at adding to and deepen our understanding of literary processes representing Berlin in the context of post-migration, and to map their significance in shaping our cultural and historical understanding of the city of Berlin and its literature.