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Intercultural Perspectives on his Legacy

Decenterting Hegel

Decenterting Hegel

03 May 2024

Workshop with 7 talks á 45 min. Registration is required by April 26.

News vom 13.04.2024

09:30 Hegel and the Kyoto School

Norihito Nakamura 10:30 Dennis Prooi

11:15 Gregory Moss

12:00 Lunch

13:30 Hegel and Critical Philosophy of Race

Susanne Lettow

14:15 Hegel in Scandinavia

Cæcilie Varslev-Pedersen

15:30 Hegel on/from Latin America

Ana Miranda Mora 16:15 Douglas Costa

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Freie Universität Berlin
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Universität der Künste Berlin